A Goodbye and a thanks to ….

.. my good old Sunny car. It has served me faithfully for yeah, quite some time. You (almost) never refused to start. (We're not talking about the last days now). You had no problems with the cold and never let me down any morning 😥
Hopefully my ever-so-good Sunny gets a good life on the heavenly roads, and is now soon rolling about on Streets of gold, totally renewed from top to wheel. Totally without rust or bumps, with a shining new polish and the best gas there is. You've totally deserved it all! … (I'm not sure if the man at the car wreck store (what's it called??) deserved you. Me getting lousy 1500 NOK from the state for turning you in, is a shame in itself thinking of all the years in faithful service….)
"Well, it's just a car…"

2 thoughts on “A Goodbye and a thanks to ….”

  1. no.. not still yet anyone.. Saving my money another month. Walking is healthy I think. And have been too busy lately , too. I'll definitely get out a new blogpost when I manage to buy one 🙂

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